Tuesday, June 27, 2017


In my experience, the words and me didn't have a good relationship, we hate us but we need each other.

I like to write my experiences, because i need to express myself in many times and it's the default mode to do it but i'm very bad in the language. I think that we need to practice the art of writing if we want to be a good writer, but i didn't do it and the blogs that i write in english class helps me so much in that way.

It's hard to think something that you going to write, sometimes there's a theme about anything that you didn't know so much or you didn't like it, i said it's hard but i like it... a bit.

In the blogs, i would like to write about anything that occur to me because there's so many interesting themes that i think we can write about but sometimes there are so personals and "far-fetched". I mean that we can write one blog with total liberty of expression, with this we made our blog of us and we can shape our hallmark in that.

In the future, i would like to write about my life because i want to the people know me and why i'm like this.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Molecules of the plants

I really like the molecules, they interacts with the membrane receptors of our cells, with the cells of a plant, an animal, so in my think they are the most interesting thing in the world,
Most especific, the molecules of the plants calls me the atention, they are amazing, and i love to imagine how they was sintetized from an atoms that were created in the principies of the universe.
In the medicine, some molecules interacts with the body and produces a therapeutic action to cure any disease.
So, the molecules needs to be isolated for doing the medical activities, and we need to exposed the plants to some techniques to separate them from their "roots" (i said roots not for the real meaning of plant roots). One of these techniques are the HPLC (High Performance Liquid Cromatography), that techniques works with the interactions of the molecules with a column that would be polar or apolar and separated them depending of the reaction with that.
a forest of Chile
The molecules of the plants will to serve for many techniques in the medicine, to make the drugs to heal any disorder of the animals (the humans are animals),  so i love the medical botany.
There's a world of posibilities in Chile, because there are many plants that don't exist so much information of them.
I like it... a lot.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

the think

Resultado de imagen para brain vectorIn my opinion, the world of the think is the most wonderful and incomprehensible thing of our life.

We live everyday with him, you use it to eat, to walk, to do the activities that you consider importants in your day, so what is the most important thing than the think?

The science borns with the think, when the prehistoric people looked at the sun or the moon, they want to understand why they are like they are, so they made some theories about that.
Another thing is why we are here, why we exist, who created us?
We want to know the answer of this question, but nobody find that, in the history, so much people wants to know the beginning of all, and that was the starts of the doubt, and with that, the science borns.

In classes, i didn't do so much because i like to study alone, but when a doubt starts in my mind i can't wait for resolve it, i want to know how the stuffs interacts and how i can apply the things that i learn in classes in my career like a scientist.
I like the theorical classes, because i learn how to do the things and the explication of them, but in the practical classes i apply the knowledges that i learn before,


In my experience, the words and me didn't have a good relationship, we hate us but we need each other. I like to write my experiences,...