Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A photogaph you like

My favourite pictures are always from the nature, like animals, spots and the universe.
When i was a child, my dad brought a camera, it wasn't very cool or expensive, but it accomplish it objetive. 
I didn't know how to take pictures and i tried to learn it, but i failed because i didn't like it so much. I think that we need to appreciate the places or the moments.
I always look at the people that take pictures to send it to their friends or family but they didn't appreciate the moment, they just want to show what are they doing in every moment. Another thing are the professional photographers or the people who had this like a hobbie, i appreciate them because they love what their are doing.
As i said earlier, i love the nature, so when i was younger sometimes i saw pictures of animals, or tv shows of them and when i discovered the chaotic universe and how mysterious that is, i almost always see the photographs taked by the hubble telescope or the pictures that the NASA upload to his page.
I don't have a favourite picture, but the one that most called me the attention is this. 

"A panoramic view of a lot of stars in different stages of them lifes" 

It's not the most beautiful picture of the universe but we can look how are the life in the universe, a young star, an old star that is nearest to dissapear, it was taked by the hubble telecope and it's from the Virgo cluster. They are many pictures of the universe that i love, and every one have a mystery.


  1. I think the same of you. I really like the pictures of nature and animals.

  2. i have a very similar idea of the life, the people prefer to pretend, than to be

  3. Life is strange, but seen from a photo, it becomes beautiful



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