Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Your favourite piece of technology

The technology advances and that are a common thing today, everyday is announced a new smartphone, computer, camera, better than the olders of past generations.

I still remember the first computer that i had, it's was of my dad, that was in the year 2000 or maybe later, i played so many games on it when i was a kid, but i can't did it every time because it's of my dad and he used it to study.

When that computer passed away, my dad was graduate from the university, and we bought a new kind of PC, "a notebook". That was an amazing moment, because i remember the computer like a freezer, well, not bigger than that but big, and when i look at this new one, i think "it's like a book" and  i didn't believe it.

The notebook that we bought was faster than the older, many games that i can't played on my older one, on this brand new PC run perfectly.

While i was in the school, my dad bought  me a Play Station 2, and i can't believe it. A new world of games was opened to me, i played on this a lot, days and days(well, afternoons, because my mom gets angry when i played many hours) of gaming with my friends. In this time, i leaked an ice cream in the notebook and it's keyboard died, my dad was so angry with me, and i can't played games or watch videos anymore in that computer.

I never liked so much the smartphones because i think they let out the people from reality and the people become slowly in "robots". But i never forgot my first cellphone, a "nokia 5200" it's like the iphone 7 of the past decade and i love it.

Today, i don't play many games, because my computer is in my house of the south, and i don't have many time because i need to study.

I can't wait for vacations.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why did you choose this career?

When i was at the kinder garden and in the primary school, i didn't like anything, but i really like to discover things. This things was ordinary stuffs, but i felt really good when i know how it's works.

The high school wasn't the exception, it was the same, but in this time i discover my love for the chemistry, how the atoms links with others and why, why the things are what they are.

I also like physics to, so i thought to study astronomy, but i didn't would like to dedicate my life to this, so i decided not study that. The same thing ocurred with the maths, i like the numbers but i don't like to dedicate my life on them, so i decided to study any thing with chemistry.

In this moment of my life, rather in the second semester of the final year of high school, i had to take a decition, Chemistry or Pharmacy.

I really like the career of chemistry, because if i study this i have many things to do, the field of work is bigger than the  pharmacy , but i finally decided to study Pharmacy because i like how the body reacts to any molecul that enter to him, and i really like to discover drugs than help the people on their diseases, because their are so many and the medicines are scarce and expensive to them.

I'm study pharmacy now, it's like i expected and i love it, but i have a long way to ride.

I will like to work in a laboratory and study drugs who will help to heal many diseases.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Getting to know each other...

His name is Victor Tiznado A. the first son of the family Tiznado Alarcon , but the years passed and his parents decided to had another son, his brother Diego. Victor's dad is an engineer and his mother do the housework at home, they married before he was born, that's mean many years.

Victor is from Temuco, so he decided to came to Santiago to study Pharmacy in the University(Universidad de Chile), before that, he studied in the Liceo Camilo Henriquez of Temuco, that was a very special part of his life because he met his girlfriend Giaritza.

He likes to stay at home and watch some videos or movies or play videogames, by the way, he likes to eat fruits or(and) chocolate and drink some juice while he do it.

His life in the last year has changing a lot because now he lives in Santiago, but his parents and his girlfriend lives in another city, he hopes to visit them very soon.


In my experience, the words and me didn't have a good relationship, we hate us but we need each other. I like to write my experiences,...