Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Getting to know each other...

His name is Victor Tiznado A. the first son of the family Tiznado Alarcon , but the years passed and his parents decided to had another son, his brother Diego. Victor's dad is an engineer and his mother do the housework at home, they married before he was born, that's mean many years.

Victor is from Temuco, so he decided to came to Santiago to study Pharmacy in the University(Universidad de Chile), before that, he studied in the Liceo Camilo Henriquez of Temuco, that was a very special part of his life because he met his girlfriend Giaritza.

He likes to stay at home and watch some videos or movies or play videogames, by the way, he likes to eat fruits or(and) chocolate and drink some juice while he do it.

His life in the last year has changing a lot because now he lives in Santiago, but his parents and his girlfriend lives in another city, he hopes to visit them very soon.



In my experience, the words and me didn't have a good relationship, we hate us but we need each other. I like to write my experiences,...