Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The music and me

The music is always in my life and in my head , i remember when i was a child i played a lot of "guitar hero" and a new world of music was opened to me.

The music is a very big word and a big world, bigger than we can think, everyday a new genre of music is being born in a part of the earth and in the head of someone.

In the primary school i listen a lot of heavy rock music, because i had a neighbour that he likes this kind of music, we played guitar hero together and we liked the music of this game. I still listen to those songs.

In the secondary school, the music was in the classroom because almost everyone played a musical instrument, and they was carrying them to the classes and played them in the playtime.

In this time, i learned how to play the guitar because my friends played it a lot and they influenced me to learn how to played this instrument. My best friend in this time is a musician, and he played a lot of instruments like the piano, accordion, bass, guitar, and anything that you give to him, he told me how to play the guitar in the better way that i could.

Now, i know how to play the guitar and others instruments, but i don't play them so well so i didn't mention them, if i had an instrument that i don't know i tried to learn it. I really like to learn how to play a new musical instrument because is a new kind of sound and i can play music that it didn't sound very well in another musical instrument.

By the way, the styles of music that i like are almost everyone played with guitar, so in this way i don't have problems to play them. I don't have a favourite musical genre, but i have preferences and the genre that i mostly hear is the alternative rock and the band that i most like to hear is called radiohead. About movies, Misirlou is still making noise in my head, and the classical music of almost every movies.



In my experience, the words and me didn't have a good relationship, we hate us but we need each other. I like to write my experiences,...